LIfe insurance the Blue LIne way

Life insurance – For married couples with children, settling an estate, or buying out a business partner, If that is what you need, I work with 30 of the best insurers available. We will figure out how long you need it for and what your specific situation is. Not all life insurance companies are created equal. There are companies that are set up to work with certain kinds of risk, and each company has its strength and weaknesses.
At Blue Line, once we know a bit about you, we work with a broker that knows all of the best insurers thoroughly, and they compete for the lowest quote to insure you.
Here again, if it isn’t the most efficient way, It is not the Blue Line way.
Business Needs for Life insurance
Succession Planning
A life insurance policy is often the cornerstone of a business’s succession plan. When a business uses life insurance as the funding vehicle of a buy-sell agreement, the death benefits are used to purchase a deceased partner’s share of the business from their estate. This can help reduce conflict between all parties involved and allow the business to keep running smoothly. When used to fund a one-way buy-sell agreement, the chosen successor can also use the policy’s accumulated cash value as a source of funding for purchase of the company at owner's retirement.
Estate Equalization
In many family-owned businesses, some family members are actively involved in the company, while others are not. Splitting a business equally among family members regardless of their involvement can put family members at odds potentially causing conflicts that interrupt the flow of business. In this scenario, you can use a life insurance policy as part of your estate plan to provide a death benefit to those family members who are not involved in the company. The death benefit can be equal to the value of the business you leave to the family members who are involved and who will likely take over company ownership.
Key Person Insurance
Many companies would falter with the death of a key employee. Lost revenue is only just one adverse effect that may impact the business. You can use life insurance to protect the company against the risk of a key employee’s unexpected death. The policy can be structured to provide the company with a death benefit equal to expected revenue loss and administration costs needed to find a suitable replacement.
Life Insurance Analysis
In order to get a useful estimate, here are some of the things to think about
· Total Debt Obligations
· Education Fund
· Emergency Fund
· Estimate your household living expenses. (Rule of Thumb: 3-6 months of income)
· Consider the amount of Current Life Insurance
Desired Annual Survivor Income Needed (After-Tax)
· Retirement Plan Assets
· Other Assets
· Survivor’s Earnings
· Annual income expected (before tax)
getting a quote is easy peasy
People pay for insurance with dollars but buy it with their health profile history.
Basically there are 8 levels of information needed to determine eligibility:
- Type and How Much?
- If term insurance, What term length?
- Gender...male or female?
- Height and weight?
- Tobacco usage?
- State of residence?
- Date of Birth?
- Are there any recent surgeries of illnesses right now?
That's it, that is enough to get us started. It's time to contact Blue Line, hit the button to do so, we can usually turn a quote around to you within 24hrs.